Real Time Data – Big Time Results
When manufacturers provide a platform for designers and dealers to openly source product design symbols from their website, it facilitates the opportunity to view valuable data. This point of interaction, within the sales process, can provide the opportunity to capture a higher percentage of business.
Here are the kinds of website data that help you sell more
Specific Product
The product being downloaded has the ability to be specified at the time of download. A decision has not yet been made. Downloads are the potential opportunities hidden in the 3D symbols. Without the symbols and website integration tool to track and report this data it will not be effective. Simply put, there would not be any data.
Selection of Products
Knowing what products that designers and dealers are downloading. Also, the ability to know which products are downloaded at the same time, and the ability to see what products are no longer relevant to your customer.
Format Downloaded
The file type downloaded is a great way to analyze what software format is being used by your potential customer. It also provides regional insight on areas where certain formats or more popular than others.
Who is Downloading
Manufacturers get to know who is downloading the content and gauge the effectiveness of their strategy in approaching these businesses. Clarity in the business decisions that are made can allow insights that previously were never measurable.
Geographic Location
The ability to see the future knowing that there will not be a purchase decision made opens the opportunity to go after the area with the most potential. Tracking and measuring these downloads will shed light on the activity level given for a geographic area.
Downloaded products in a geographical area can also give insight on what times, seasons, and types of products your customers are purchasing. Knowing the time and trends helps predict the future.
Sales Projection
Cleaning up the capabilities by calculating the dollar amount and volume of activity can help manufacturers’ segment projections. Correlate these to time, products, and geographic areas make a more precise projection for sales teams and manufacturing.
Lead Generation
Sales opportunities will be uncovered through tracking downloads. The information can be given to sales teams to help them communicate a clearer message to their dealers and become a valuable source of information to their clients.
Market Standing
Compare your numbers with the industry and begin to understand what products manufacturers are excelling in and areas where they are losing. Look at the dollar amount of downloads compared to the total sales volume captured and make conclusions about overall market standing.
These are all the elements of important information you can extract from symbol downloads on your website that will help you sell more.